Apple Cider vinegar is a staple found in most kitchen cabinets but did you know that it contains miraculous benefits for hair and skin?
Vinegar which means “sour wine” in Latin and has been used for centuries. The use of this fermented wonder can be traced back in written materials found in the continents of Africa and China. These writings detail and described how vinegar played an important part in everyday life, even using it medicinally to cure everyday illnesses. In 400 B.C. Hippocrates used vinegar to help heal skin wounds and in Egypt 50 B.C., Cleopatra used vinegar to dissolve pearls as a way to impress her lover Marc Anthony.
Now as we jump to present day, apple cider vinegar has become a has been used as a natural or alternative cure to many ailments such as dry lack luster hair, eczema, obesity, and diabetes. Here are three little known benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair and skin:
Apple Cider Vinegar Helps Alkalize the Body.
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, vitamins C, and B. Acetic acid helps increase the body’s absorption of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from the foods we consume. If used as a tonic, apple cider vinegar helps normalize the body's natural alkali-pH balance. Everyday bad habits such as poor sleep regemine and consumption of junk food can make the body acidic. Even though, apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid it has an opposite affect on the body and helps neutralize toxins to keep the body functioning smoothly.
Apple Cider Vinegar Can Be Used to Balance Skin pH.
Apple Cider vinegar has detoxifying properties that can help clear up acne and other skin ailments. Our skin has a natural pH of 5.5. Environmental pollutants and everyday pollutants can cause acne breakouts One of apple cider vinegar's' powerful properties is that is anti-microbial and anti-bacteria, which helps eliminate bacteria and purify skin pores. When apple cider vinegar is diluted with water, a dampened cotton ball with the vinegar/water solution can be used as a facial astringent after washing. Apple cider vinegar also has a natural and organic anti-fungal properties that help eradicate candida(yeast). The high acidity will not allow candida to thrive. It is important to note that for any serious conditions you should seek medical attention from your physician.
Apple Cider Vinegar Can Be Used As A Hair Rinse To Rejuvenate Lack Luster Hair.
Our hair and scalp has a natural pH of 4.5, however shampooing and every day use of hair products can cause hair strands to become dull and lack luster. One of apple cider vinegar's natural properties is acetic acid. Acetic acid helps remove product residue, environmental toxins, and debris from your hair stands and scalp. An apple cider vinegar hair rinse helps smooth the hair cuticles to enable hair to look healthier, softer, and shiner. Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a pre-shampoo hair treatment to control or minimize dandruff cooling the scalp and neutralizing the pH levels of the hair and scalp.
It is important to note that when using an acidic rinse to close hair cuticles of remove product build-up or debris, such as apple vinegar, it should be diluted by 95 percent with water and should be followed up with a hair conditioner and/or leave-in hair conditioner.
Apple cider vinegar has been used as a natural hair and skin care remedy for centuries but it is important to state that some of the statements that have been made in regards to apple cider vinegar have not been back by scientific research, but that is the case with most natural alternative remedies.
What are your thoughts regarding apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy for hair and skin care issues?? Share your experiences we would love to hear from you.
Kakpour, Dori Beyond the Hype: Apple Cider Vinegar as An Alternative Therapy 2015
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