Six Reason Why You Should Be Using Amla Oil for Healthy Hair

Six Reasons Why You Should Be Using Amla Oil for Healthy Hair Growth

Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn) or better known as Indian Gooseberry has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine, Ayuveda. Many parts of the Gooseberry plant, including its fruit have been used to treat many ailments including hair loss. Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, is one of the oldest systems of medicine and is practiced in the Indian subcontinent. Ayurveda inficeses disease prevention and promotion of good health by adopting a proper lifestyle and following therapeutic measures, which will rejuvenate the body. 

In Ayuveda, Amla is considered to be a potent rejuvenator.

Amla has most widely been known for its ability to boost hair growth, while it acts as a strong moisturizer when being used as a conditioner or pre-poo. It also acts an anti-inflammatory agent by preventing scalp infections and dandruff. Amla helps prevent dry skin while preventing infections of the scalp. The moisturizing properties of this oil help lock in moisture and improve the appearance of hair strands by boosting shine.

Amla Oil has high levels of vitamin C which helps prevent hair breakage and protects your  body from oxidative stress. In addition to vitamin C, Amla also has antioxidants that can help quickly remedy any issues you are having with your hair.

Try adding a few drops of Amla oil to your hair conditioner after your shampoo and see how the emollient properties of this oil help your hair lock in moisture and protect your scalp from dandruff and other scalp infections. 

Purchase Amla Oil here

Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaetrn), A Wonder Berry In The Treatment of Cancer
European Journal of Cancer Prevention: May 2011 - Volume 20 - Issue 3 - p 225–239
